About 1/3 of human beings produce farts which contain methane gas. Gastrointestinal Gas (Ch. 17 in Gastroenterology, v. 4, 1976)
First of all, if you're a methane producer, congratulations! Second your backdoor trumpet should be revered and worshiped by the rest of us. You should stand tall with your methane producing booty bomb held high. Let your colon cologne waft freely behind you...And let others know that you are a proud contributor to the increase of global warming.
More: "Did you know?"
- The average person produces about a half liter of fart gas per day.
- The average person farts about 14 times a day.
- Women's farts have a higher concentration of odor-causing gases than men's farts
Potentially, I could be personally responsible for melting the ice caps. I'm not sure, but I'm saying it might have been me. Sorry.
See http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070721220050AAOvltj
Humans may produce tiny amounts of greenhouse gases from their flatulence, as do cattle to a much larger degree. But neither of these occurrences is actually "contributing to global warming". The reason why this is, is because the gas in our and cattle farts/burps is a byproduct of consuming food. In the case of cattle this food is grass and before this grass is consumed it actually removed carbon from the environment as part of its growth. Weather the cattle/human farts methane, or weather the grass were left to rot and emit its carbon through decomposition, either route green house gasses are still being re-released back into the environment. In fact, the fact that some of that carbon is stored into the meat of the cattle there is actually less greenhouse gas released via consumption and conversion, then via the rot of the original vegetation. The only compounding problem is that methane is a worse offending greenhouse gas then carbon so the problem is not that it is being released, but that the methane is not being captured. If captured this methane would be a "renewable gas" in that it could be burnt by humans thus being converted into atmospheric carbon and reabsorbed into the plants that cows would eat and converted into milk, meat and more renewable gas, and around and around. A gas is only a negative influence on global climate change if it is being released from the Earth's stored carbon sources. If it is part of a cycle which recycles carbon through living organisms then it has a net zero effect on global climate change.
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